Entrepreneur & Mentor

Welcome to the Weekly Challenge monthly issues. First of all, I would like to say thank you to my friends and family for giving me a lot of support and encouragement on the Weekly Challenge project, which started Week 1 on Sunday 31/12/2023. I have also received the same from our community members giving me a lot of feedback so that I can continue to learn, make adjustments and improve the content to serve our community.
Furthermore, I would also like to say thank you to all the contributors who shared their experience and knowledge with me, so that we have sufficient materials to cover the 52-week Weekly Challenge project. Without listing your names here, you all know who you are, which I appreciate from the bottom of my heart.
Over the years, I have been working with many people who need to work on their personal and business growth, as well as the health and wellness areas. We work together in a group, and with an individual online and offline. I have noticed that everyone has their own reasons and wants to learn to improve the areas of their concerns. However, due to their consistency issue, they don’t get the right results they were hoping for. I feel that if everyone has their desire to learn and grow and has their will to take action, with consistency; they can achieve the results they want. But the CONSISTENCY part was that most people were failing. Without consistency, many will stop at a certain stage and never finish their tasks. The fact is they have the knowledge, but without consistent action to get to the finishing line, they won’t be able to achieve the result.
The purpose of the Weekly Challenge 2024 project is to help individuals carry out the weekly tasks. To perform the challenges every day to create a consistent habit. Completing the week’s challenges will also enable the habit of getting to the finishing line on any task.
Although each week’s challenges are different, they are classed as knowledge. The main aim is to perform the daily tasks and finish the weekly challenges consistently to transform them into a habit.
Please remember these 4 words – START, NOTICE, HABIT AND CRAVE.
Once you accept that week’s challenge, it will be a START for you. Once you continue to do it daily for one week, your mind and body will NOTICE what you are doing. If you continue to do the same after 2-3 weeks, it will become a HABIT. When you persist over a month, your mind and body will CRAVE for it. The whole purpose of the weekly challenge is to help you create a persistent and consistent habit. Train you to finish the job on whatever you do.
We have successfully finished the 52-week Weekly Challenge in 2024. The result was unbelievable with much positive feedback and life-changing success stories from the result of their consistent work. Therefore, we know that the concept does work. Consistency is the key to success to reach the finishing line.
Over the 52 weeks’ challenges which covered 2 main categories – MINDSET AND HEATH, only a very small number were working on every week’s challenges. Mostly only picking the right subjects was useful under their circumstances at the time. From my point of view, although not everyone performed every week’s challenges; when they chose their preferred weeks, they performed consistently and created a habit of it. For this, mission accomplished.
The reason why I am introducing this Weekly Challenge Monthly Issues is that I am fully aware that not everyone performed the whole 52-week challenges. All these challenges are the knowledge and the tools for everyone’s mindset growth and their health & wellness. With this in mind, I put the 52-week challenges together and I published the weeks in monthly order. Each week’s challenges will have additional content to cover each subject. The monthly issues’ design is like your personal PDF handbook collection so that you can work on the challenges when appropriate. While you are reading the monthly issue, you can also go back to watch the video recordings via
I am sure you will find this Weekly Challenge Monthly Issues useful as your personal PDF handbook for your mindset growth and health and wellness. Those who subscribed this monthly issue can access me directly if and when you need more help and support for any personal solutions from the weekly challenges.
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