Prevention Always Better Than Cure

Preventative health & wellness can empower people to live fulfilling lives and improve their physical and mental well-being. However, it is hard to quantify a value on and make people understand the impact of preventative measures.
How do you measure something that did not ever happen?
We have become a society that tends to focus where our health and wellness is concerned on only today, which has led to a cure rather than a prevention attitude.
Over the years, I have come to realise that it is the majority rather than the minority that are behaving this way in 3 main areas:
Health – Most people take the view, that if they are still breathing, and able to function day to day without any handicaps, they are happy and contented.
90% of major diseases and health issues are caused by poor life choices, and yet, people still feel that there is no need to make extra effort to find out more about balance healthy eating, nutrition or even exercise.
With social media playing a major role in society, instant gratification is becoming a way of life, and it is far easier to have a quick fix by ordering takeaways, and using quick solutions through diet pills etc to lose weight instead of preparing an eating healthy food, taking quality supplements and regular exercising to maintain a healthy body.
When it came to the cost factor, they feel that there is no need for them to consider to invest more towards their health.
As long as they are feeling fine and there are no immediate issues regarding to their health and wellness ignorance is bliss.
Ageing – People always feel that they are still young, enjoying their youthful skin. In fact, many mature adults have the advantage of their youthful gene, they can’t see any signs of lines and wrinkles appear on their skin. Because of that they feel that there is no need to go the extra mile and pay extra for products to help them to slow down their ageing process.
Business – Many businesses are run by their owners. Some businesses have been going for many years, with the same kind of clienteles and volumes turnover. Giving them a regular income to pay for their overheads and have sufficient profits left over for them to live comfortably. They feel that their business partners are healthy and well, their keyworkers are loyal and happy with their works and their pay. Likewise, they have regular customers and loyal to their products and services. Therefore, there is no need to consider on any preventative measures to incur extra cost.
All the above situations can lull them into a false sense of security. There is no need to cause any alarm. In fact, taking extra measure seems to be a waste of time and effort, extra cost is also the main factor. However, we all know that, all these situations are in an ideal world situation, but in reality, life is not like that, and can change instantly as we have seen in 2020 with the pandemic.
Health – Although there are many individuals that are self-disciplined on what they choose to eat, they are still not educating themselves to learn more about the quality ingredients and the nutrients from the food they consume.
Furthermore, if they are unaware on how the bodies’ immune system and digestion system function, they are only focusing on how to sustain their appetite, but are unaware of how to control their body system, and if their bodies are reacting or even rejecting the food they consumed.
By just fulfilling the hunger part, this can easily over shadow the important fact that what is being consumed may not be providing the right nutrients to absorb into their body system to keep them healthy, both in the short and long term.
Because of this, there is a distinct possibility that their long-term health may suffer and they may develop issues due to the mal-nutrition problem. I am sure we are all aware that there are many people around the globe are dying not because of hunger, but due to poor nutritional choices.
This is one of the major reasons that people feel there is no need for them to invest the time to learn more about a balanced healthy eating plan, supplementation and exercise. If they are feeling fine today, why spend extra for something they feel that they don’t need.
Unfortunately, over the years, people suffer with a gradual health decline or suffer ill health unexpectedly, because their immune and digesting system are not functioning properly. The result, is that this can cause a lot of pain and suffering that could have been avoided. In addition a possible loss of income due to ill health, creates financial hardship for the family, and huge medical bills, or a delay in treatment due to the burdens on the current National Health System. In some extreme cases causing death.
Ageing – Whether we like it or not, no matter what kind of genetic make-up we have, we all will age! It is not if, but a question of when and how we treat it.
The moment we are born; our body oxidation process begins. How fast and how slow we age very much depends on our lifestyle choices. There are many things surrounding us can have an impact on the way we age.
The environment and sun exposure
The food we consumed
Our internal health
Our stress levels
Alcohol & tobacco
Skin mal-nourishment and care
For those who feel that they are still young, and have good skin and plenty of time ahead to worry about ageing and their lines & wrinkles, they will soon find the shock and disappointment when the signs of ageing and lines & wrinkles appears. By not investing earlier on in their skin, that is the largest organ of the human body, they may save costs early on, but it will take much longer to treat their skin, and incur more expense later on in life, and in some extreme cases can be irreversible. This will also cause the knock-on effect in terms of their mindset and self-confident.
It is unfortunate that most people have their strong focus on their health & ageing based on cure, and never consider prevention method through healthy lifestyle, supplementation and nourishing their skin until their medication is not working for them first.
Business – Competency is the biggest enemy. Many business owners feel that their businesses are well established, so they are unstoppable. But the fact is most established business in the world can suffer setback for various reasons:
Market trend
Supply and demand
Loss of key business partner
Loss of key worker
Poor management
Presentative measure on health, ageing and business is very important.
Health – Make the effort today to learn more about your own immune system, and your digestive health. Take regular health check and food intolerances and food allergies tests as you may be eating foods your body cannot tolerate and cause illnesses.
Eat a healthy balance diet including a variety of fruit and vegetables to maintain high level of antioxidants in our body.
Invest in supplementation as your insurance policy. We don’t always get enough nutrients from the foods that we consumed. Be aware that cheaper supplements usually have large quantity of fillers and bulking agents, and therefore only give you a small amount of nutrients that your body requires. Also, supplements can only benefit towards your health if consume regularly, so take them consistently.
Exercise plays a major part towards the preventative measure on health. It helps you to strengthen and tone up your body. Provide you with more lean muscles which will generate more metabolism to assist fat burning. Improve mental health and help your body to get rid of waste through sweat, as long as you cleanse your skin properly after sweating.
10 minutes daily exercise can provide you with stronger heart muscles, better blood pressure, aids the circulatory system transporting blood and reduces a build-up of plaque in the blood.
It is not just about looking better, exercise is for improvement of your overall health and wellbeing.
Measuring your level of antioxidant every 8-10 weeks and check-up, seek advice from health specialist every year.
Ageing – The only way to slow down our ageing process is to maintain high level of antioxidants in our body consistently. Create a daily routine to carry out the following:
Skin cleansing – it plays a very important part to clear away all the impurities get into your skin from the environment
Toning – Increase your skin pH level and prepare for other skin care products
Serum – protect your skin and to provide more collagen and elasticity for your skin
Moisturizing - help to moisturise your skin and best to have SPF for sun protection
Every 6-12 months, check and seeks advise from skin specialists to provide you with professional check-up and advice.
All these will certainly help to slow down your ageing process, helping you to keep your long-lasting youthful look.
Business – Stay up-to-date with the market trend. Be familiar the market competition and stay competitive. Stay closely connecting with the supply chain. Most importantly consider keyman insurance, shareholder protection and health insurance for keyworkers. Work with a business mentor who must understand your business goals, and will work alongside with you and your business by giving you an outsider opinions and reminders.
Prevention is always better than cure!
Yes, it can incur extra cost with time and effort, but the return on this investment is having a long-lasting health, slowing down the ageing process.
By maintaining a natural youthful look, it will improve your mindset and self-confident. Your business will enjoy a steady growth and most importantly with a peace of mind.
Hope you will find the above information are useful. I would appreciated if you can kindly add your comment or feedback below. Thank you.