How to slow down when you speak?

People may speak quickly for a variety of reasons, encompassing emotional, cultural, and situational factors. Excitement or anxiety can accelerate speech as individuals strive to express themselves fervently. Cultural norms and regional dialects may also contribute to fast-paced communication, as some societies prioritise rapid dialogue as a sign of engagement or enthusiasm. Additionally, certain contexts, such as business meetings or time-constrained situations, can prompt people to speak quickly to convey information efficiently.
Nervousness or urgency may lead to a heightened speech rate, reflecting a desire to communicate thoughts promptly. In modern, fast-paced lifestyles, individuals might habitually speak rapidly to keep up with the demands of hectic schedules. Moreover, the digital age has cultivated a culture of rapid communication through instant messaging and social media, influencing verbal communication patterns.
Furthermore, individuals may speak quickly to cover a substantial amount of information within a limited timeframe. This can be observed in presentations, lectures, or debates where speakers aim to deliver comprehensive content efficiently. Ultimately, the speed of speech is a dynamic interplay of psychological, cultural, and environmental factors, shaping the way people express themselves in diverse settings.
Why is speaking too fast just not great for you?
· It doesn’t let the audience absorb what you’re saying
· It doesn’t show comfort and ease in a situation
· It shows you’re nervous, even if you’re not
· It doesn’t let you play with the silence
· It can seem like a one-way lecture
Here are 5 proven techniques to break your weak speech patterns.
When you’re not in control, you speak too fast. Here’s how you can be in control of how fast you speak on every conversation.
1) Cognitive restructuring – Challenge your anxiety that leads to rapid speech. Replace anxious thoughts with rational ones to feel more in control like this:
‘No’ – Must get it all out before I get interrupted
‘Yes’ – I can take my time. They will listen
‘No’ – Must explain all at once
‘Yes’ – I can explain some of it. Then pause
‘No’ – There’s too much to say
‘Yes’ – I can choose what to include and leave out the rest
2) Behaviour modification – Become aware of your speed of speech. De-link it from your speed of thought. Let your thoughts race but decide which ones to say out loud.
3) 3-Step gear shift – When you speak, you are in car in 4th gear. Learn to shift those gears. Do it in 3 steps:
· Shift it back to 1st gear. Slow it all the way down
· First practice alone. Then start speaking slower to others
· Start trying out different speeds when you speak
4) Systematic desensitisation – You’re used to feeling anxiety and fear in the spotlight. You can reduce this anxiety by gradually expose yourself to speaking situations while practicing relaxation techniques. This puts you back in control. While encouraging you to keep stepping out of your comfort zone.
5) Mindfulness – When you speak, anchor yourself in the present moment. Use this 4-steps technique:
1) Focusing on your breath and sensations of speaking
2) Observe the other person’s reactions to you
3) Be aware of your tempo. Keep it steady
4) Reduce the urge to rush your words
When you are in control of your pace, you’re perceived as being confident, reliable and trustworthy.
I recommend you do your own search to understand more about how to stop speaking too fast and the techniques to control the speech through practising yourself. Also, I'd like you to learn more about the tone of your voice and your eye contact with the audience. The tone of your voice and your eye contact play a big part in your self-confidence which will influence the speed of your speech.
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