How much do we understand - What we are doing? What we are planning to do?

People do different things every day, whether we are doing a job, or running a business. Somehow, we can all earn an income from what we do. We all understand the same theories:
We exchange our time for money
Efforts equal to earning
We put so much in, we get so much out
All these will enable us to earn our living, or to keep our heads above water. When we achieve this stage, we usually want more in different levels:
The problem is to enable us to achieve any of these levels, we really do need to ask ourselves some honest questions. How much do we understand what we are doing? Or how much do we understand what we are planning to do? Because we all need this deeper understanding and knowledge; before we can embark on the next level of achievements.
So, allow me to bring this back to all network marketers who are involving their ‘Network Marketing’ business. My questions are exactly the same.
How much do you understand what you are doing?
Apart from knowing the company you are representing and the type of products you are introducing to your customers, there are many other areas you need to be aware of:
You need to find customers
You need to learn how to do marketing
You need to learn how to connect with customers
You need to learn what customers’ want
You need to learn how to present the products
You need to learn how to present yourself
You need to learn how to close the sale
You need to learn how to provide before and after sale services
Let’s do an exercise here, if you can rate yourself on each of the above from:
1 = Not very good
2 = Need to improve
3 = Doing fine
4 = Doing it perfectly
If all of the above rating are number 4, you should be achieving the wealth, success, fulfilment and recognition levels. Anything below that you will be in the first level by only just earning your living and keeping your head above water.
If you are currently not achieving the number 4 level, whichever your current levels are, you need to do the following things:
Look back and understand what you’ve done in the past for you to achieve your current level
Make a plan to help you move towards the next level up
Set the timing to review your efforts and results
To achieve any of these, you need to be consistent and persistent
Now, let me bring you to the next subject…….
How much do you understand what you are planning to do?
The words of ‘Planning to do’ and ‘Doing it’ can make a whole lot of different. It can have a life changing result.
How many of you are currently still sitting on the fence? Just waiting to see how things turn out in your business before you are fully committed to the network marketing business!
How many of you are still listening to your friends and family with their negative remarks and support about your network marketing business?
How many of you feel that the network marketing business is not as easy as you originally thought?
How many of you are feeling frustrated that many others are doing better than you are?
How many of you are currently come up with a lot of reasons of why you don’t have sufficient time, and resources to make your network marketing business work?
In fact, how many of you actually made any plans or know how to plan?
With all these above in question, you will continue to put yourself in a planning stage. Some don’t even bother to plan at all right? Because of all these, you will never fully commit yourself to the network marketing business. The longer will you keep yourself in this kind of mindset, the further away you are to start your plan. Soon your network marketing business will become a hobby. In no time, you will see yourself further away from your network marketing business.
Of course, everyone can make their own choice to do what is right for them, but the important fact is that you need to decide, to make your decision if a network marketing business is what you want. Ask yourself a serious question, do you really understand what network marketing is, and what you really need to do to be successful? Until you fully understand all these, you will never know how to build a plan for your success.
The reality for wealth, success, fulfilment and recognition is you can’t build them overnight. Each one of them involves time, hard work, consistency and persistency with your strong will to succeed. There are certain things you must consider to help you build your successful network marketing business:
You have to learn while you are working. You always have to learn, it never ends.
You must allow yourself to take one small step at a time according to your own pace, not comparing with others or allowing others to set your pace.
Always seeks help and share what you’ve learnt with others. Team works make the dreams work. It can speed up your learning process too.
Self-discipline yourself to a set time and day each week in advance consistently to carry out your network marketing business.
Believe in your company and products. Use the products and make yourself be a product of the product.
Plan your work and work your plan……always!
Never give up. You will always pass the finishing line as long as you don’t stop.
Most important part is always be a finisher. Otherwise, you might as well not to start anything at all.
With all the right mindset and right attitude, you will be able to set your plan, follow your plan and take action. The law of physics said actions equal results, there is nothing out there can challenge this fact.
Finally, if you can follow the above and take massive action, soon you will find that your network marketing business can change your life.
It’s definitely worth your while with your hard work and efforts. Don’t hesitate to seek help and advice if needed. In most cases, many are working alongside their coach or mentor who are helping them to work towards their success.
At the end of the day, you should know what you really want from your network marketing business. To have someone there to support you and making you be accountable throughout your journey can speed up the achievement of your goals.