
Bad diets, unhealthy lifestyles, lack of exercise, medications under medical conditions and other environmental reasons like pollution and radiation exposure etc can accumulate harmful toxins, chemicals and bacteria build up in our body which will give negative impact to our health, also can cause serious harm too.
Understand more about what is Detoxing?
Due to the fact that the increasing number of preservatives, colourings and other chemicals to processed foods used by manufacturers, plus all other factors, the toxins accumulate in all different part of our body. Therefore, detoxification is a best way to give our body a thorough cleanse and eliminated the toxins as much as possible from our body. Healthy detox will certainly benefit our organs and systems to promote long term health.
Of course, there are many ways to detox and can be quite confusing and complicated. However, throughout my past experience, I have decided to create a list of easy and effective detoxification options for everyone to follow.
Eat Bitter Foods
It might seem is a joke, but I always tell people that if it tastes good, spit it out! The old saying goes “If anything tastes good, in long term is not good for us. Anything taste bitter, in long term is good for us”. There’s a good reason for that too!
The liver in our body is directly responsible for the role in the detoxification of our body. Bitter food caters directly to the liver, stimulated and increasing the amount of bitterness in our diet, which will increase the production of bile. It helps to breakdown the chemicals intake through our diet and improve our digestion. When the toxin builds up, the liver cannot work at its best, then the bacteria and other harmful compounds may not be removed from the digestive system sufficiently. Then our health problem will start.
In additional bitter foods offer the reduction on food cravings during our detox. Consuming sweeter foods contain high concentrations of fructose and carbohydrates, which can reduce our body’s metabolism. In result the fat build up will increase and stored in our body. The more fat is stored, the more toxins are more likely to be built-up as well. When we removed the food cravings, our blood sugar levels are more likely to remain stable. This will help the liver work consistently to help purge nasty toxins and bacteria from our body.
I would personally recommend one great bitter food is kale with high levels of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, as well as calcium and magnesium. One important part I like to point this out that the sulphur and soluble fibres in kales that makes the vegetables such a wonderful detoxing tool for us. Due to the fact that the fibre absorbs waste nutrients and compounds to form healthy stools, and it will work throughout the digestive system to absorb harmful toxins that are trying to get into our bloodstream. Therefore, we must ensure that we are consuming regular, with high quality amounts of soluble fibre and sulphur, so that we can ensure our digestion system is kept healthy, protected and avoid large build-up of potentially harmful toxins from getting into our body.
More Hot Drinks
Consumed more hot drinks, we can help to aid the detoxification of our body consistently throughout the day. Avoid all unhealthy drinks and replace by herbal hot tea instead. This can help to stimulate our liver just like we mentioned earlier with bitter foods. Our digestive system is going to be better equipped when we improved our liver function. It can help to remove large quantities of harmful toxins before they are able to enter into our bloodstream.
There are different kinds of herbal teas with great range of vitamins and minerals that can help to further complement our health as well as working to purge toxins. The more herbal tea we drink, will help to increase the rate and frequency we have to urinate. Again, urine is a waste product, the more we remove from our body, the more contaminates we remove as well.
I would recommend green tea, which can also be found in supplement form. Just one daily capsule can help our body cleansing. Detoxing can require a lot of commitment and supplements offer a convenient way of providing a great range of different nutrients, vitamins and minerals that may help to remove toxins. Whether taken at home, at work or on-the-go, dietary supplements like green tea extract and aloe vera can often time promote healthy digestion and body cleansing using high-quality ingredients that cater to detoxification.
Plenty Of Sleep
Having a good night sleep certainly can help us to cleanse and detox our body. Our body naturally detoxifies itself ever time when we sleep. Our liver work effectively throughout the night to remove toxins and contaminants from our body using blood sugar. Eight hours is the optimal amount of sleep hours recommended, but this can vary from person to person. Very much depends on individual requirements. Cleansing and detoxing can take a lot out of us, so we do need more sleep.
Our bathroom routine when we wake up in the morning is important. Making sure that our waste disposal is efficient, instead of waste remaining inside our body for too long. Otherwise the waste can re-be re-absorbed back into our body. Creating a strict sleeping regiment, you can help to avoid issues of this nature, promoting a more thorough body cleanse.
There are a lot of different ways you can help to induce a deeper sleep that is also free from interruption. If you're a light sleeper, try:
Wearing a sleep mask to prevent light from waking you up.
Making sure that the temperature of the room you sleep in is kept moderate to avoid body temperature changes from waking you.
Bathing before going to bed. It may help to induce a much better snooze, as the decreasing body temperature can lead to a deeper sleep.
Enjoy a hot drink like green tea before you going to sleep. Not only does your body benefit from the great range of different vitamins and minerals, but the change in body temperature may help to influence a deeper sleep similar to the effects of bathing before sleeping.
Exfoliate Your Body
The largest organ of the human body is the skin. Also is the main line of defence to protect our body from harmful toxins and bacteria. So, it is very important that we need to keep our skin healthy with regular cleansing, exfoliating and scrubbing.
During the exfoliating process, it helps to remove dead skin cells and other waste products. Our body cells need energy to survive, through the reaction of creating energy generates waste products. The wastes usually left on the surface of our skin alongside with other toxin through the environmental exposure. We need to scrub our skin thoroughly which can help to remove these toxins and detoxify effectively.
Another good exfoliating treatment is through sweating regularly. Physical exercise can create sweat. Saunas and steam rooms, or bathing can also cause toxins and contaminants to rise to the surface of the skin. Therefore, we need to exfoliate and scrub our body soon afterwards helps to cleanse our skin, removing many toxins built up in this way.
Determination Is the Key to Detoxing
Cleansing our body promotes many benefits including our overall health and making us feel better. If we don’t detox at some point, the toxins will left to fester in our body, making us feel sluggish and lethargic.
To promote our overall health and wellbeing, relieve stress and improve our mood, we do need body cleansing regularly. Failing that the toxins and other harmful bacteria will slowly build back up again. Commit ourselves to a detox treatment and continue with healthy lifestyle, including a healthy balance eating habit, to help prolong our health and longevity into the future.
I hope you find the above information useful. Please do share with your friends and family and your commit below will be much appreciated. Thank you.