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Recently many people mentioned to me about the subject of ACNE. I did few researches and managed to gather some information together here to share with you.

Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, it commonly occurs during puberty, but it can occur at any age. Although it is not dangerous, but it can leave scars on the skin.

What caused ACEN?

It is caused by a long-term skin condition that occurs when pores that connect to oil glands under the skin. The glands produce an oily liquid called ‘Sebum’; it carries dead skin cells through the follicles to the surface of the skin. As the follicles get blocked, pimples grow and oil builds up under the skin. When the dead skin cells, Sebum and hair get clump together and plug the pores, it creates inflection with bacteria, which in result with swelling and creates blackheads, or whiteheads, pimples, oily skin, and eventually leaves scarring.

Other reason including hormonal factors can trigger ACNE, it causes from the rise in androgen levels when adolescence begins. (In women, it gets converted into estrogen). It causes the oil glands under the skin to grow and it produces more ‘Sebum’, which will break down cellular walls in the pores, causing more bacteria to grow.

Some possible triggers cause including medications that contain androgen and lithium, greasy cosmetics, emotional stress, hormonal changes or menstruation.

ACNE pimples are varied in size, colour and level of pain. The following types are possible:

  • Whiteheads - These remain under the skin and are small

  • Blackheads - Clearly visible, they are black and appear on the surface of the skin

  • Papules - Small, usually pink bumps, these are visible on the surface of the skin

  • Pustules - Clearly visible on the surface of the skin. They are red at their base and have pus at the top

  • Nodules - Clearly visible on the surface of the skin. They are large, solid, painful pimples that are embedded deep in the skin

  • Cysts - Clearly visible on the surface of the skin. They are painful and filled with pus. Cysts can cause scars.


There are many suggested home remedies for acne:

Early stage of ACNE:

Diet – regular intake healthy balance diet including a good supply of vitamin A, E and Zinc can reduce the risk for ACNE to get worst. Tea-tree oil also may help to treat very mild ACNE. ‘Polyphenols’ compounds extracted from tea may be beneficial in reducing Sebum production and treating ACNE.

Skin protection – moisturise your skin regularly using aloe vera or witch hazel can help to soothing and with anti-inflammatory effect.

Treatment depends on how severe and persistent the acne is.

Mild ACNE:

It can be treated with medications applied to the skin including gels, soaps, pads, creams. For sensitive skin best to use creams and lotions. For oily skin best to use alcohol-based gels dry the skin.

ACNE remedies you can get it from your local pharmacy may contain the following active ingredients:

  • Resorcinol - helps break down blackheads and whiteheads

  • Benzoyl peroxide - kills bacteria, accelerates the replacement of skin, and slows the production of sebum

  • Salicylic acid - assists the breakdown of blackheads and whiteheads and helps reduce inflammation and swelling

  • Sulfur - helps dry out the surface of your skin to help absorb excess oil (sebum) that may contribute to acne breakouts. It also dries out dead skin cells to help unclog your pores.

  • Retin-A - helps unblock pores through cell turnover

  • Azelaic acid - strengthens cells that line the follicles, stops sebum eruptions, and reduces bacterial growth.

Always start with the lowest strengths first just in case it causes skin irritation, redness, or burning. After few uses, the side effects should subside. If not, see a doctor.

Treating moderate to severe ACNE:

A skin specialist, or dermatologist, can treat more severe cases. They may prescribe a gel or cream similar to over-the-counter medications but stronger, or an oral or topical antibiotic.

Corticosteroid injection

If an ACNE cyst becomes severely inflamed, it may rupture. This can lead to scarring. A specialist may treat an inflamed cyst by injecting a diluted corticosteroid. This can help prevent scarring, reduce inflammation, and speed up healing. The cyst will break down within a few days.

Oral antibiotics

Oral antibiotics may be prescribed for up to 6 months for patients with moderate to severe ACNE. These aim to lower the population of Propionibacterium ACNE. The dosage will start high and reduce as the acne clears.

Propionibacterium ACNE can become resistant to the antibiotic in time, and another antibiotic is needed. ANE is more likely to become resistant to topical rather than oral antibiotics. Antibiotics can combat the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation. Erythromycin and tetracycline are commonly prescribed for ACNE.

Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives can help control ACNE in women by suppressing the overactive gland. They are commonly used as long-term acne treatments.

These may not be suitable for women who:

  • have a blood-clotting disorder

  • smoke

  • have a history of migraines

  • are over 35 years old

It is important to check with a gynaecologist first.

Topical antimicrobials

Topical antimicrobials also aim to reduce Propionibacterium ACNE in patients with moderate to severe acne. Examples are clindamycin and sodium sulfacetamide.

The dermatologist may prescribe a topical retinoid. Topical retinoids are a derivative of vitamin A. They unclog the pores and prevent whiteheads and blackheads from developing.


This is a strong, oral retinoid, used for the treatment of severe cystic ACNE and severe ACNE that has not responded to other medications and treatments.

It is a strictly controlled medication with potentially serious side effects. The patient must sign a consent form to say that they understand the risks. Adverse effects include dry skin, dry lips, nosebleeds, and mood swings. Patients who take isotretinoin must avoid vitamin A supplements, as these could lead to vitamin A toxicity.

Prevention and management tips

Here are some tips for looking after skin that has ACNE or is prone to it.

Wash your face no more than twice each day with warm water and mild soap made especially for ACNE.

  • Do not scrub the skin or burst the pimples, as this may push the infection further down, causing more blocking, swelling, and redness.

  • Avoid popping pimples, as this makes scarring likelier.

  • A specialist can treat a pimple that requires rapid removal for cosmetic reasons.

  • Refrain from touching the face.

  • Hold the telephone away from the face when talking, as it is likely to contain Sebum and skin residue.

  • Wash hands frequently, especially before applying lotions, creams, or makeup.

  • Clean spectacles regularly as they collect Sebum and skin residue.

  • If ACNE is on the back, shoulders, or chest, try wearing loose clothing to let the skin breathe. Avoid tight garments, such as headbands, caps, and scarves, or wash them regularly if used.

  • Choose makeup for sensitive skin and avoid oil-based products. Remove makeup before sleeping.

  • Use an electric shaver or sharp safety razors when shaving. Soften the skin and beard with warm soapy water before applying shaving cream.

  • Keep hair clean, as it collects Sebum and skin residue. Avoid greasy hair products, such as those containing cocoa butter.

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure, as it can cause the skin to produce more sebum. Several ACNE medications increase the risk of sunburn.

  • Avoid anxiety and stress, as it can increase production of cortisol and adrenaline, which exacerbate ACNE.

  • Try to keep cool and dry in hot and humid climates, to prevent sweating.

ACNE is a common problem. It can cause severe embarrassment, but treatment is available, and it is effective in many cases.


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