Do you think Micronutrients can boost your immune system?

Do you think ‘Micronutrients’ can help to boost your immune system?
There are two answers for the question:
Yes, if you are considering a long-term health plan by taking vitamins to strengthen and to boost your immune system.
No, if you are thinking to take vitamins now to boost your immune system immediately against illnesses.
Nowadays majority of people believed that vitamins cannot cure illnesses except medication. On the contrary, there are many qualified medical professionals over the world claiming that high dose of Micronutrients (In the region of 10,000+mg Vitamin C) can cure real diseases like……. Cancer, Alzheimer, Mental Illnesses, Diabetes, Hypertension, Depression, Anxiety, Acute Lyme Disease, Heart Diseases etc. Vitamin megadose can in fact cure illnesses. According to the medical records, no one ever die by taking too much Micronutrients except medication.
Ask your doctor! The fact is doctors are not train on nutrition. So, doctors believed that if they never trained and don’t understand, then is not worth knowing. For us as consumers believed that, if doctors don’t know it, then is not worth for us to pursue. The fact is Micronutrients are safer, more effective and cheaper than medications against illnesses.
Quite often, advertisements out there claiming that certain products can give your immune system a boost, and you can avoid illnesses and diseases. Especially the current health crisis, people are desperately to do something to prevent themselves to contract the virus. Do you really think something in a bottle, whether a vitamin formulation or probiotic can really boost up your immune system to help you stay healthy and strong immediately to avoid diseases and viruses?
The reality is ‘NO’! The vitamins are not here to protect you right now. If you want to know why, you really have to learn more about how the immune system work. It is not true that you can boost your immune system immediately. The immune system is like our car engine, need to be finely tuned at all time. Healthy immune system can limit the ability of bacteria, viruses, and parasites to cause any infection. When we have a hyper-active immune system, it can cause other issues like allergies, diabetes, and other type of auto-inflammatory and auto-immune disorders. So, when we are trying to boost our immune system, it might trigger the auto-immunity and other problems.
What’s in the Vitamins / Micronutrients?
Vitamins are fall into two categories – Vitamin formulations and probiotics. These products can help to boost or support our immune system. So, it is true that vitamin can strengthen our immune system, can help immunity, only with megadose can fight against disease and other health problem. And benefit for those who are severely malnourished, or having underline health issues. Most importantly to gain the maximum benefits from the vitamins must require long term use approximately 2-4 months depends how our body absorbing nutrients. It won’t work for quick fix use against any health issues except a megadose treatment, especially will do little to help you stay healthy if you are currently already healthy.
Regarding the probiotics, it is true that your gut healthy play a big role through the bacteria and organisms living inside it. The friendly organisms that living inside of us, and on us, do help a great deal to our immune function, and how they disrupt immune function. Hopefully one day scientists can work out how to modify the organisms inside our body to prevent disease. They called it ‘Microbiome’.
I truly believed that in the next decade or so, we will work it out which specific microbes are involved in certain diseases. So far, we don’t have enough understanding the complexity how our body and the microbiome use the probiotics to provide us with immediate improve health. Furthermore, there are insufficient evidence to proof how to use dietary supplements to correct problems too. Therefore, just be sceptical of claims to the contrary.
How to stay healthy?
OK if you decided not to take vitamins to help your immune system, what else can you do to reduce the risk of illness? There are differences between ‘we don’t get sick normally’ and ‘we get sick all the time’ may have more to do with habits than immune function. Please find below some tips can help.
Clean your hands. Germs can be airborne, but most illness do occur when you touch a contaminated surface with germs, then you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. Therefore, wash your hand often and not to touch your face.
Shape and tone up your body. Eat a healthy and balance diet regularly, do more workout, keep your body and your immune system healthy through sufficient rest and sleep.
Do something to destress yourself. Spend some ‘ME’ time daily to lower your stress, because high level of stress will damage your immune system.
Consider vaccination. Vaccination can protect us against illness like flu and other diseases, stimulates our immune system to recognize the infectious agents / pathogens and start to fight against them.
Consider Vitamins / Micronutrients. Unfortunately. We can’t guarantee our daily consumption of fruit and vegetable will give us sufficient nutrients for our immune system, due to the fact that more and more chemical used on farming. Even we eat organic, the pollution is reducing the nutrients and our body might not guarantee to absorb the right amount of nutrients too. Therefore, vitamins is form of guarantee we have sufficient Macronutrients to strengthen our immune system.
The true is you can never eat sufficient to provide the right nutrients to improve your immune system apart from vaccines or vitamins. Best to avoid those lotions and potion claims that it can prevent you to contract any illness and diseases immediately. On the contrary, for long term support and strengthen your immune system, vitamins can be the aids as your insurance policy.
I hope the above information help and if you like this, please do share with your friends and family. Your feedback and comment below will be much appreciated. Thank you.
Cary Lam