If we give up so easily, why we set goal the first place?

We are born with kind of mindset to get thing done as easy as possible. Also we want to finish it quickly. This is just a human nature to deal with tasks. We always seek a shortest route with less effort. This including using our human brain, thinks simple and don’t like complicated thing either.
Throughout our education, we learned to set goals. We truly believed that we have to set goals to enable us to achieve tasks. Some make simple goals, and some create complicated one taking a lot of time and effort to plan, to map out their goals.
No matter what kind of goals we set under different deadline, mostly we will experience hurdles and set back. Like driving a car from A to B, there are no straight roads ahead. We have to drive the winding road; there will be a few stops along the way. However, as long as we start from the point A and continue towards point B, eventually we will get there no matter what happened throughout the journey.
Many set goals and getting excited to start, during the journey, difficulties risen and in many cases, adjustment need to be make from the original plans. More hurdles appear and the journey take longer then anticipated. Because our human nature always chose to deal with things simple and easy, when the journey of their goals not according to plan, or not achieving it fast enough, they stop and give up.
We have to constantly reminding ourselves that before we give up, we have to think why we set goal the first place?
Every individual have their own WHY, and they are all different. The WHY is the driving force and the reason we do things. Setting goals is to help us to achieve the things we want. Why we want to get into the car the first place? Because we want to go from A to B for whatever the WHY we have in mind. If we stop the car because there are some traffic lights or road diversion, we will never get to the B right!
Usually there are PAINS behind the WHY, and usually it takes a lot of time and efforts to map out your goals. To give up is very easy again because it is our human nature. But if you give up so easily, all your time and efforts to set up your goals will be in vein. Your pains behind the why will still remain unresolved. Therefore, giving up is not a winning option except your guarantee lost.
Never give up on something you really want.
It's difficult to wait but is more difficult to regret!
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