
The 7 best ways to slow down your ageing and strengthen your immune system.
1) Eat more fruit & vegetable (organic and as deep colours as possible) 2) Eat more omega 3 rich food (oily fish) 3) Increase the level of vitamins intake (keep to the basic on vitamin C & vitamin D) 4) Increase the level of minerals intake (keep to the basic on Sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium) 5) Reduce or avoid alcohol & cigarette intake 6) Drink more water (average 2-3 litres a day minimum) 7) Work on your mindset & reduce your stress level
I've been working very hard for the past 7 years to improve my habits. I feel that I've certainly reaping the results so far to slow down my ageing process and I've developed a very strong immune system, in fact not even suffer a simple cold.
Always happy to share more ideas and experiences with you. Just message me for an informal chat =