How to boost your vital organs

Like a car, the body benefits from a regular service to ensure it runs efficiently and has sufficient energy to flight and eliminate toxins. There are a number of simple, common sense steps that can help to improve the overall functioning of your vital organs.
The Digestive System
Only eat when you are hungry, and do not overeat or eat large meals late in the evening.
Take time over meals to eat each mouthful properly and slowly.
Cut down on refined carbohydrates and foods wth high fat content.
Do not drink too much with meals as this can dilute your digestive juice.
Start the day with fruit juices or fruit to boost your digestive system.
Herbal teas, such a chamomile, peppermint or fennel can be soothing.
Improve the overall condition of the gut by regularly eating low fat probiotic yogurt.
Many herbs and spices are an aid to digestion, so use bay, caraway, cardamom, cinnamon, cumin, chill, fennel, ginger, marjoram, mint, parsley and tarragon in cooking.
The Liver
Drink plenty of water - at least 2 litres / 4 pints / 8-9 cups a day.
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, in particular apples, citrus fruits, garlic, beetroot, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, globe artichokes, ginger, green leafy vegetables and bitter leaves, such as dandelion, as well as whole grains, nuts, seeds and beans.
Avoid processed, salty, sugary, high fat and very spicy foods.
Try to eat mainly organic foods.
Cut down on alcohol and caffeine.
Exercise regularly.
Liver boosting supplements can help to neutralise free radicals that damage cells. Try an antioxidant supplement containing betacarotene, vitamins C and E and selenium.
Artichoke extract supplements which containing the compound cynarin, claim to help boost a sluggish liver.
The Kidneys
Drink plenty of water.
Reduce your intake of animal protein foods, such as meat and dairy products, as these can put a strain on the working of the kidneys.
Cut down on alcohol.
Dandelion leaves, tea or supplements can be helpful as diuretic to treat fluid retention and to help to prevent common kidney problems.
The Lymphatic System
Exercise regularly.
Stimulate the lymphatic system by exfoliating and skin brushing.
Have a massage to encourage the efficiency of the lymphatic system.
The Skin
Drink plenty of water.
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables - preferably raw or juiced. They provide betacarotene vitamin A and vitamin C, both essential for maintaining healthy skin.
Choose whole grains, lean protein foods and a moderate intake of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids, found in oily fish, vegetable oils and nuts and seeds.
Ensure that your diet is not lacking in the mineral zinc. Lean meat, skinless poultry, shellfish, and nuts are all good sources and yogurt and skimmed milk also supply useful amounts.
Restrict convenience foods, high in saturated fats.
Cut down on chocolate, sweets, high salted snacks and soft drinks.
Strict alcohol intake.
Boost your circulation by exercising and skin brushing.
Get plenty of restful sleep.
Take regular exercise in the fresh air and breathe deeply.
Daily cleansing and moisturising your skin.
I hope the above information are useful for you.
Cary Lam P.S. If you ENJOYED this post, please make your comment and feedback. P.P.S. You are welcome to SHARE this post on your Fan Page and make sure your team members read it and keep this for your future team members too.