The Facts About The Benefits of Omega 3

Omega 3s essential to our heath but we can only make a very small amount of EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) ourselves and negligible DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), so we have to obtain them from our diet either as plant sourced alpha linolenic acid or as EPA/DHA sources such a organ meats and fish.
There have been over 10,000 studies conducted investigating the role of Omega 3s in the last few years and the numbers keep on growing.
Here are some facts about the benefits of Omega 3:
Brain Health

Omega 3s (especially DHA), are important to brain health, contributing to the maintenance of normal brain function. A beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA. In fact ongoing positive research shows they are important not only to babies and children, but also during the teenage years, where they play an integral role in helping to facilitate smooth hormonal regulation. Brain cells with higher Omega 3s are also better at communicating than others, helpful for learning in the young and memory later in life.
Heart Heath

There's plenty of evidence supporting the role of Omega 3s in cardiovascular health. Both DHA & EPA have also been implicated for the normal function of the heart. A beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA and EPA. One of the reasons for this is through the maintenance of normal fasting blood concentrations of triglycerides (normal blood fats). Avoiding fried and highly processed foods which create harmful 'trans-fats' (that interfere with the body's absorption of Omega 3s) is key to healthy hearts.
Blood Pressure

We can also take heart from the latest research showing that the Omega 3s DHA play an important role in helping to maintain normal blood pressure. A beneficial effect is obtain with a daily intake of 3g per day of EPA and DHA, as well as supporting blood vessel function. Although both EPA and DHA are important, it's EPA which is considered especially useful for blood pressure as it is involved in the production of hormones specially related to blood circulation.
Vision health

Omega 3s and DHA especially, have been shown to contribute to the maintenance of normal vision. A beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250mg of DHA. Recent research has highlighted the importance of Omega 3s to pregnant women (particularly DHA). And in fact any adult (including the elderly) should consider an Omega 3 - particularly since the tissue with the highest content of DHA is the retina of the eye.

Omega 3s go a long way to support the health and vitality of great looking skin, being important components of cell membranes. They act as gatekeepers, allowing micronutrients and antioxidants to enter, whilst keeping out the villains, that age our skin (toxins and other free radicals). Entry of minerals such a sodium, potassium and magnesium are an important part of the hydration process, with EPA appearing to act as natural waterproofing for our skin.
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