Things I find it hard to understand? Or just me?

Things I find it hard to understand? Or might be just me!
What people do……..
• They want to earn more money, but they find efforts are hard work • They hated their job, but they just won’t do anything about it • They come across an opportunity, but they procrastinate • They made effort to attend opportunity meeting, but they won’t ask question • They attend meeting, but they are day dreaming • They finally signed up to the opportunity, but take no further action • They want to learn more about the products, but they won’t try it • They keep saying that they have no experience in sales, but they make no effect to try • They listen to family and friends’ negative opinions who know nothing about the business • They said they have no self-confident, but they do nothing about it • They said they don’t know anyone, but they are on social media all day • They keep talking about positive mindset and quoting positive quotes, but they don’t act on it • They keep saying that they will do it, but they never did • They keep saying that they are not progressing well, but they refuse to find out why • They talk to few people with negative results; they feel that the business is no good. • They find that after their job and home time, they have no spare time to take care the opportunity tasks. • They want to be successful and earn good income, but not prepare to give time and effort to build it
What I will do………
• If I want to earn more money, I know that I must make efforts, work hard and invest time to do it. • If I hate my job, I will make changes any which way I can without delay • If I come across an opportunity, I will take it first and learn it afterward • If I attend an opportunity meeting, I will ask as many question as I am allow to • If I feel that I don’t have enough experience in sales, I will learn from those who made it but came from the similar situation like me. • If my friends and family give me their negative opinion, I will make sure they understand my products and business first. • If I attend a meeting, I will set aims what I want to learn from the meeting and pay attention • If I decided to sign up for the opportunity, I will be totally coachable and follow the system and take action • If I want to learn more about the products, I will try as much as I can afford and as often as I can. Failing that I will read and watch any training materials I can find. I will talk to the team and ask for help as often as I can. • If I feel that I need to improve my self confident, I will discuss with my upline or anyone can help and mentor me to improve my self confident • If my business need customers, I will do everything I can to gain new contacts through any means • If I learn and talk about positive mindset and quoting positive quotes, I will act on it and use it to coach other to do the same • When I say I will do it, then so be it. It will be done • If my business not progressing well, I will seek help and look back and learn what mistake I have done. Discuss with my upline and mentor to make necessary adjustments • If I talk to few people with negative results; I will talk to more because the more nos, this mean yes will be closer. • If I decided to take on the opportunity, I must commit my spare time soon after my job and family time. I know that it not forever for sure. • If I want to be successful and earn good income, I prepared to give all my time, efforts and scarify to see this through.
This is just me, what about you?
Cary Lam P.S. If you ENJOYED this post, please make your comment and feedback. P.P.S. You are welcome to SHARE this post on your Fan Page and make sure your team members read it and keep this for your future team members too.