Time exchange with money

‘What you need to do to create your success’?
Don’t tell me you are not looking for success? Or you are not looking for financial freedom or financial stability!
If you do, I just want to establish some ground rules here.
First there is no easy money in this world. Every penny you need to earn will need hard work and sweat, agreed?
Second, you wouldn’t be involve what we are doing here if you don’t need extra income. But to earn extra income, you need to exchange with time agreed?
Third, I know you are all busy daily juggling your time to earn money, so that you are in today situation. However, there must be something you are doing spending your time is not productive, that’s why you need to earn extra money agreed?
Fourth, If you are continue to do your current busy routine and make no changes, then you will have no spare time for you to do other things to earn extra money agreed?
If you all agreed with the above, then you have to agreed that if you change nothing and do nothing, you will continue to stay in your current situation many years from now if not will getting worst.
We have to consider our busy lives and routine and which part of the time we are using is not productive which has causing us the requirement for extra income. Therefore, we have to make changes from whatever you are doing un-productively to exchange to whatever business opportunity work required, so that after a while, hopefully with your action, the income from your business opportunity will generate to become productive work against the time you use.
I see many came to me with the requirement for extra income and joined our business. A year later, they didn’t do much because they keep saying that they are busy and they are still in the position that they still need extra income. Have you got the answer here?
Anything in life, only a small part – call miracle will give you instant result and success. Even so you still have to plan and work to come across such miracle, otherwise this won’t happen either agreed?
My message is you that you will find no one in any business can earn income by doing nothing. Not everyone have the instant success without setting up, trying and trying, persistent, consistent, trail and error to gain experience, all these need time. How much time you need depends on how you spent your time and how often you learn from your experience. There is no magic wand.
What is your other option? Your business opportunity too hard, not working for you? What you are going to do?
Remember everywhere the healthy grass always green, and unhealthy grass are brown. There is no other choices even you feel that you can look for other business or network to work with. But the reality is if you can’t solve the above problem, you will have exactly the same if you don’t exchange your time for extra income. I see so many lately change from one network to another, but they never change, they never understanding that they need to find spare time to do the work no matter where you go.
My door is always open to you all and willing to work alongside with you to help you to break through the pain barrier from the starting point to become established stage then everything will be easier. But I can't help any of you without your time and willingness and your determination to make changes in your life.
I have no problem whatsoever if you want to stay where you are and totally understand. But if you want me to help you to create an opportunity for you to earn extra income, then I will need your time as simple as that. When you are happy to allocate time to do this, then I will be happy to discuss with you personally and plan a way to suit your work and around your lifestyle.
I hope this all make sense and I am a massive team worker. Always believing that team work make the dreams work. If we work with a team, we will go far. I would welcome any opportunity to discuss your individual situation.
Thank you to reading this and have a successful day.
Cary Lam P.S. If you ENJOYED this post, please make your comment and feedback. P.P.S. You are welcome to SHARE this post on your Fan Page and make sure your team members read it and keep this for your future team members too.