Thinking of quitting or giving up

If you've ever thought of quitting and giving up with your home based business then this is for you... If I'd have let things stop me on my journey to success using Direct or Internet Network Marketing. I would NOT be here talking to you today! Seriously! Let me RESET your expectations before we start. Chances are when you first came online with the HOPE of making money and building your business, you were EXCITED, and probably you'd been led to believe it was going to be EASY. Someone might have told you; "yeah, build your business on the Internet, you can earn heaps, generate thousands of leads and build a really big business fast." Most marketers use words like, fast, easy, free, simple and others to entice YOU to click their links and join their business, but the problem with this is that it sets your EXPECTATION very high immediately, and you come in with the mindset that it is going to be EASY. You are basically setting yourself up for a BIG FALL! I went to see Tony Robbins a few years ago, and he said the most PROFOUND thing I've ever heard and it stuck in my head ever since. He said: "The secret to happiness is to CHANGE your EXPECTATIONS for APPRECIATION..." When you expect something and you don't get it, you become upset. But if you don't expect it and you just appreciate what's there then everything is wonderful. Incredible and so TRUE ! So, just go into any business with appreciation rather than expectation and watch what happens: Appreciation of ANY leads you are getting. Appreciation of ANY people you are speaking to. Appreciation of ANY new team members you enrol. Appreciation of ANY money you make, no matter how little. It's a catch 22 type situation because if someone had told you right from the beginning that it was going to be HARD, and it will probably take you 2-5 years to succeed; and you'd probably spend a ton of money learning and you'd make a lot of mistakes. Would you have started in the first place? Well... if you're the type of person who is LAZY, and doesn't want to work hard for success; then the Direct or Internet Network Marketing is NOT for you, and I am probably not the TEACHER for you. In fact business in general is NOT for you. It takes time, patience, constant learning and education, trial and error, blood, sweat and tears and mentorship to succeed in network marketing business, especially team building. So let me RESET your expectations now and I've got over 35 years of experience to talk from, so I come from the school of hard knocks!) It is NOT going to be EASY and: ** You will have problems... ** You will struggle... ** You will FAIL multiple times... ** You will get overloaded... ** You will feel out of your depth... ** You will feel scared... ** You will have to spend money before you will succeed ** You will join multiple opportunity to find the right one for you... Do you still want to continue? Do you still LIKE me because I've told you the TRUTH? You ask ANYONE who's made it in this industry and as long as they're not trying to get you into their opportunity, they will tell you the same. I was speaking to an AWESOME guy the other day in fact, he's one of my cross line and he lives in Manchester and has been having huge problems and challenges with getting paid from various "Opportunities". ** No one will listen to me ** My family is not supporting me ** Everyone I met seems to say no to me ** I can't find enough time to do my business ** I just can't find anyone interested in our products ** I find it very difficult to give people believing in me and my business opportunity He keep telling me that all the hurdles he is facing, there seems to be no other options for him. But I said to him... "The amount of times I've hit brick wall after brick wall, I've failed, screwed up, had people tell me NO... and if I had just given up I would never have had success. So, you MUST find a way! Do whatever it takes to stay in the game. If you feel that you can't find prospects from what you are currently doing, then find another way. Be resourceful, think outside the box. Keep on and on until eventually someone says YES" This must goes for all of YOU too! ** If someone says NO to you, then get back up and move on. ** If someone REJECTS you, then get back up and move on. ** If something you tried doesn't work, then get back up and move on. ** If your Capture Page or FB Ad gets disapproved, then get back up and move on. ** If your Youtube account gets shut down and you lose all your videos, just get back up and move on. ** If your prospect says NO (which they will), just move on to the next person until you get a YES! But here's the CAVEAT: ** LEARN from your MISTAKES and FAILURES. ** Nothing is permanent in life. ** The ONLY certainty in life is CHANGE. ** You can guarantee 100% that things WILL change. ** If you are UP right now, then chances are you will be DOWN fairly soon. ** and if you are DOWN right now, then chances are that you will be UP fairly soon. ** So ENJOY the moment and live for today. ** Learn from ALL your experiences. ** Keep doing what you are doing. ** If you tried something and it didn't work, then ADAPT and move forward. ** But please, please, please just STAY IN THE GAME. How would you feel if you looked back in 10 years and WISHED you hadn't let today's problems beat you? Seriously, it would EAT you up inside wouldn't it? You'd look back in 10 years and know that if you had stayed in the game you'd now be SUCCESSFUL, sitting on the beach sipping cocktails. But instead, you're working for someone else helping them succeed. Essentially you CHEATED on your own dream.So, STAY IN THE GAME ! Know that it is not an easy business but the REWARDS are HUGE when you crack this. Keep LEARNING, keep taking ACTION and keep TEACHING others. If you need to reach out to me, or the person who referred you, please do but ULTIMATELY I want you to be SUCCESSFUL, and hopefully now you've seen that I'm a REAL person, with REAL results and a REAL system, trainings and support program to HELP you get the results you desire. Remember this is a MASTERY process and gradually bit by bit you get better and better. Ultimately you need to BRAND YOU. I'm seriously COMMITTED to your success, and that's why I'm writing these from the HEART. Bits and pieces: ** Take the NUGGETS. ** Throw out what doesn't resonate with you. ** IMPLEMENT the best bits. ** and let's help CHANGE a few people's lives in the process! Yours in Mastery. Cary Lam P.S. If you ENJOYED this post, please make your comment and feedback. P.P.S. You are welcome to SHARE this post on your Fan Page and make sure your team members read it and keep this for your future team members too.