Selling and Buying

Selling can be one of the biggest hurdles to many people due to their personal confidence, but mostly their fear for the following reasons:
Not enough experience in selling
Don’t know much about the products they are selling
Don’t know which products they should introduce to customers
Just don’t like the idea of selling
The problem is when anyone is in this ‘can’t sell' mode, believing that selling is difficult and uncomfortable, they will start to procrastinate and continue to simulate all different reasons why people will not buy, and also why they cannot sell. In a situation like this, what are you going to do? What do you need to do to enable you to stay in ‘Sales’?
Before I run through the option of change with you, I need you to understand and agree with me the following:
There is no easy money to be earned without hard work
Selling needs a lot of planning and all plans need work with persistence and consistent action over a set period of time.
So if you feel that you are not very good at selling, or do not have much confidence in selling, but you still want to stay in the selling industry; what options have you got for change ?
How about ‘Stop worrying about selling, just focus on why people buy’?
What does this mean?
When people make a purchase it mostly involves emotional and logical decisions. Try to turn the tables around and think of yourself as a customer. Ask yourself an honest question, why did you decide to stop and listen to the products presentation. Why did you decide to make the purchase? You will find the following reasons:
You were attracted by the products presentation trailer
You like the idea of the products because you need it, or would find it useful for you
The presentation you were given is not complicated, but plain and simple to understand
The right product can help to achieve the right result or goal that you want
The price is not the most important issue because as with human nature, when we want something, we will go out of our way to find the money, even though we can’t afford it.
If you agree with me, then build this into your business plan and teach yourself the skill to find out why people buy, rather than how you sell!
To find out why people buy is not selling, it’s called connecting with people. Listen and understand what they are looking for, what they like and what they need. This is no different to you having a conversation with someone to get to know each other. Unless you have another problem area in communicating with people or you just simply don’t like meeting people, then you should consider staying away from the ‘Sales’ industry. Otherwise, you will find this very enjoyable work through talking and connecting with people.
Unfortunately, if people don’t like you, and they don’t trust you, they won’t give you a chance to present the right products to them. Therefore, the connection, listening and understanding what people need plays a very important part in earning their like and their trust in you.
Once you are liked, trusted and you recommend the right product to meet their needs, then selling is usually not required because your customer will make their decision and sell themselves. Of course, there are always certain elements involving affordability, but once again if you do your homework right, you can easily furnish an attractive and right price for them. As I mentioned previously, people will buy something even they can’t afford it as long as the ‘need and use’ element is involved and they like and trust you.
In conclusion we are in the selling business, selling products to earn us income. But forget about the selling and just focus on finding why people want to buy instead. Products always sell itself anyway, if you are selling products, you will always find it difficult to find customers to stop and listen, let alone buying!
I would welcome to your feedback and ask that share your experiences after you have made your adjustments. Thank you.
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