Are we doing anything to slow down oxidation?
We all know that from the moment we are born, our body starts to oxide daily! How fast the oxidation process progress is, very much depends on our lifestyle and if we are taking care of ourselves from inside and out.

Our immune system is part of the important area we need to protect as much as we can. Our immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues and organs. It is our defence mechanism against foreign invaders, parasites and bacteria. If there is a disorder in our immune system occur, this could lead to, inflammatory problems for example.
Our skin is an essential organ for all living beings. Without skin, our life would be impossible. Our skin is our largest organ, accounting for 16% of our total body weight. The skin forms the main separation between our body’s internal environment and it’s surrounding. As such, it will react to problems with both internal (disorders with our immune system) and external causes (reaction to allergens in the environment)
The oxidative stress on both our immune system and our skin is caused by the ‘Free Radical’, they are unstable molecules that harm the body’s cells and DNA every second. Every cell in your body is attacked by free radicals 70,000 times each day. That’s over 60 trillion free radical attacks each day on your body causing cellular damage.
Antioxidants are stable molecules that have one or more extra electron to donate, they neutralise free radicals. “The amount of antioxidants you maintain in your body is directly proportional to how long you will live.” – Dr. Richard Cutler, Director Anti-Ageing Research, NIH
Where do the free radicals come from? Mostly from our lifestyle for example – smoke, alcohol, excessive sunlight, exhaust emission, pollution, radiation, excessive exercise and most importantly stress. Scientists now believe that free radicals are linked to nearly every known disease and contribute to the ageing process:
Nervous system
Cardiovascular disease
When we always retain a high level of Antioxidants in our body, it will certainly help us to slow down the oxidation process and to combat against the free radical attack to our cells daily. But where do the Antioxidants come from?
They are from what our body needs, fruit and vegetables. According to the ‘WHO’ recommends we need to consume 600 grams equal to 7 to 10 serves fruit and vegetables per day to provide us with the right level of antioxidants our body requires against free radicals. We need to focus on deep colour types of fruit and vegetables for example red, green and purple.

In addition, a healthy diet consists of a good balance between ‘Macronutrients’ and ‘Micronutrients’ also required. Macronutrients are the Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids and Water. Micronutrients are the Vitamins and Minerals. The fact is most of us will have no problem to have a regular intake of Macronutrients. However, most of us will have a problem to have a regular intake of Micronutrients.
So why are the the Micronutrients so important? Our body need Vitamins such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B12 and vitamin C to contribute to normal energy – yielding ‘metabolism’. Minerals like zinc, magnesium, manganese and calcium contribute to the maintenance of normal bones. Actually it depends on what we eat, the fruit and vegetables should provide us with a good level amount of Micronutrients. However, due to our lifestyle, busy at work, our taste buds or certain health issues, many of us never consume enough fruit and vegetable daily. In result our body receives a low level of Antioxidants and Micronutrients. Therefore, the oxidation process will become quicker, let alone we age uickly, we also develop illness and diseases throughout our oxidation journey as well.
Therefore, Antioxidants and Micronutrients are important to our immune system against the battle of free radical attack. Unfortunately there is nothing visual for us to see inside of our bodies if we are high in both important elements. In fact most of us are satisfied that we are fit and healthy, based on how we feel. For me, it is like a time bomb, it always looksOK until it explodes right!
Unlike our skin; as we mentioned above, it is also important to be protected and to ensure that they are in good condition at all times. We can vitalise if our skin is healthy or not from the sign of ageing, collagen and elastic of our skin decreases which will give us an early warning to do something about it. But we cannot see what is inside of us until we fall ill. In this case, it can be painful, costly and even deadly too. The tell tell signs of lack of Antioxidant and Micronutrients are when we feel tired all the time, low energy level daily, unable to sleep properly, joints and back pain plus attracting flu and colds easily. Even so, most people will just simply use some quick fix medication or treatment to mask the underlying issue until such time as the problem escalates and our body system breaks down.
Identical twins born with everything identical, look the same to start, but when they grow older, their appearance and health can be different based on their lifestyle throughout their journey. So are we doing anything to slow down our body oxidation?
No so long ago, I was one of those who had no idea of the importance of our ‘Skin’ and our ‘Immune System’. As a lad, I always ate like a horse and drank like a fish. Always relying on the Asian gene advantage that we can live longer and healthier. When I went for my summer holidays, I exploded myself in the hot sun without using any sun protection whatsoever. Never give it a thought about skin care products or nutritional supplements, let along understand ‘Antioxidants’ and ‘Micronutrients’. It wasn’t until I got invited to attend a presentation about a business opportunity over 3 years ago. I saw this as a great opportunity and decided to join the business. Very soon after I learnt about the concept and how important it is to look after ourselves from ‘Outside and In’ by using good skin care products, also from ‘Inside and Out’ by using the right nutritional supplements. Also I learnt about the concept of a balanced diet and since then I changed my daily eating habits together with regular workouts too.
The advantage I had to gain with such knowledge and experience regarding the nutritional area was because our business is the only company in the world that has the BioPhotonic Scanner which is based on Nobel Prize-winning technology, the BioPhotonic Scanner measures your skin carotenoid antioxidant levels in just 30 seconds – accurately, and non invasively. Unlike the Antioxidants test via blood or urine can only be based on the result of your last 24 hours lifestyle. The BioPhotonic Scanner scan results are based on the last 8 weeks of our lifestyle! I was shocked and disappointed at the time after my first scan and only achieved 28,000 which means marginally weak, even though with my youthful Asian gene! Since then I made the vow to myself that I want to make changes and I am going to take care of my body. My aim is ‘To die young, but as late as possible’!
Within 18 months of my changes of a balanced diet, regular workout, and daily supplementation, I have managed to increase my scan score to 113,000 which confirmed that at the time that I achieved the highest scan score let alone in UK, in fact whole of the Europe. It means that I retained the highest level of Antioxidants inside of my body. So what does this mean to me apart from achieving a high scan score? I slept well, the whole day I have plenty of energy and never feel tired. I never fall ill not even have a cold or flu whatsoever. In fact I suffered hay fever for over 20 years, but it subsided so much for the past couple of years, I hardly feel the affect of the pollen allergy throughout the summer season. I truly believe that what I have done to my own body certainly has strengthened my immune system and keeps it at the optimum level. Because I use the BioPhotonic Scanner to scan myself every 10 weeks, therefore, I can monitor the level of my Antioxidants on a regular basis so that I can make any necessary adjustments to improve the protection of my immune system.

Over the past years, I must have scanned over thousands of customers, the scanner is like the lie detector and can tell us about the customer’s diet, medication intake, illness, energy level. Many are happy that they are doing the right thing about their lifestyle but continue to challenge themselves to improve better. Therefore, for the first time, we have something based on science to allow us not to rely on how we feel about our health anymore. We can vitalise the result of our lifestyle and we act upon on it exactly like when we see the ageing of our skin.
I would like to share this image with you about the transformation and slowing down my ageing process through balanced diet, regular exercise and daily supplementation intake. The first photo from the left was over 10 years ago. In the middle was 7 years later when I first joined my current business and start to change my lifestyle. The image on the right was over 3 years later. I hope you can see my journey from progressing oxidation between 2005 to 2012 and the transformation after 3 years. You have to take my word for it, not only the transformation from outside and in, I can feel for myself from Inside and Out too – I feel wonderful and seems like I haven’t aged for the past 10 years at all. This is all because of my lifestyle with balanced diet and supplementation.

Apart from my own testimonials, I have come across hundreds who have experienced the same and continue to monitor their Antioxidants level every 8-10 weeks so that they can all measure their own stage of health for the prevention purpose. Nowadays I spend lots of my time to educate and coach many to do the same. Even though I come across everyday someone claiming that they are fit and healthy (only from what they feel), therefore, why should they spend money on supplementation they feel that they don’t need? The fact is supplementation sits inside our body to strengthen our immune system, to provide us with sufficient Micronutrients and Antioxidants we need to fight against free radicals daily. Just in case we don’t eat enough fruit and vegetable so the supplements will take care of it. I can understand some decision made based on their financial reason, but again if you can’t afford to take care of your health now, how can you afford it when you fall ill?
Before I end this blog, I would like to let you know that since November 2015, I experimented on myself to reduce the level of supplementation I took daily, mostly half of the recommended dose and sometimes I skipped the supplements for a couple of days. But I continued to keep my balanced diet and healthy lifestyle throughout the past 6 months. My scan score dropped to as low as 87,000, which means to me that the supplementation does play a big part of my mission. My experiment finished last month of March and I returned to my normal supplementation routine to increase the level of Antioxidants in my body again. I just did another scan again while I am writing this blog and here is my latest scan score. It has increase back up to 91,000. Can you see the different and how important it is about our regular supplementation? (My daily diet never change throughout my experiment)

In conclusion and only for my personal opinion, I feel so strongly that even though we think we are healthy, or we are living in a healthy lifestyle with balance diet. We should still have regular intake of supplementation to ensure that we have sufficient Micronutrients to prevent the free radical attack to our cell and immune system. I would like to have the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with you regarding how to help you to slow down your body oxidation process. Also I can offer you with our BioPhotonic Scanner, technology to provide you with the skin carotenoid Antioxidants level scan. Please message me for additional information.
In the meantime, do check out more details from my Pinterest Link:
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