How do we motivate our sales team?

How do we motivate our sales team?
Everyday when I work with my sales team, I do come across some individuals telling me that they feel down and are not doing what they need to do, therefore, they are asking me to help to motivate them.
As a coach, I believe that I can't make people motivated unless they are willing and want to motivate within themselves. I can do things to inspire them and show them a way to achieve their goals and dreams. But the person has to be motivated themselves, get up and go; to do what they have to do. They must be self motivated to achieve things. They must be willing and want it as much as they need the air to breathe.
Motivation is like an engine within a car. It’s in the heart of it and we all started with a standard engine to start, but we need to fine tune it to the optimum level. Business, wealth and success is like the body of the car, looks good and loved by different owners. The driver is us – the individual sales person with me as their coach. How fast, how far and which direction we go is all down to us. But without the motivated engine inside to perform how a car should be, the car will go nowhere except to keep breaking down from time to time. We can jump start the car every now and then but it is very exhausting. Eventually the drivers will give up and the car will be abandoned for good.
It is very important to all leaders, coach, mentors and including the sales individual to be aware and agree with this important principle that each of us must find a way to motivate ourselves from within. No one can force others to be motivated, except showing our way and inspiring others to get up and go. I always keep telling myself that ‘my success is up to me and I must be motivated to go out and get it. To do what I trained to do, to follow what I have been shown to do. To duplicate how the success system works’. There are many ways to get self motivation but we must do the one most important thing first which is ‘OUR WILL’!
A strong WILL, is a basic foundation to create self motivation. Start with baby steps, don’t try to climb the mountain in a sprint! Repeating and doing it regularly will become a habit. Once you build on making it a habit, your self motivation will come naturally and effortlessly. If you can do this important part, then a leader, coach or mentor can inspire you and show you the way to reach your success.
What happens if you have a small team and they are not self motivated?
Anyone can not do their self motivation part, they are your energy vampire, You should all know what this will do to you!
I hope I have outlined the reasons that no matter what we do and how we are trying to inspire the sales individual, if he or she cannot motivate themselves to put their wheel in motion, you are wasting your time, due to the fact that their engine inside them is not functioning properly, then they will go nowhere.
When you are in this situation, you just have to talk to more people and recruit more self motivated individuals to your team. WE NEED TO BE SURROUNDED BY OTHERS TO FORCE US TO DO BETTER! Do not connect yourself with a faulty engine which can affect your performance, in the end this will cause your breakdown too!
Two self motivational books I read and love most:
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
How to develop self-confidence and influence people by public speaking by Dale Carnegie
Hope you will enjoy it too.
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