Why Complicate Life?

Everyday I come across people procrastinating on things that cause them to stop progressing in life. Then at a later date they feel that their wish was never accomplished purely because they kept asking themselves what would have happened ‘IF’ ……..! It is bad enough when we leave this world, feeling that our goals or tasks were not accomplished. It will make it even worse if we ask ourselves this heart-breaking question - ‘What would have happened IF?’
In most cases because we won’t keep things simple, instead we love complicating things. We kind of prefer to do things like ‘Go Round The Houses’ to satisfy ourselves. And of course stubbornness also plays a big part in it because he or she is set in their ways. They just won’t back down to admit that there is a simpler way in life! There are lots of quotes out there about this ‘WHY COMPLICATE LIFE’, I would just like to give my support and run through these with you.
Missing somebody? …………. Call
We have arguments or disagreements with someone throughout our life. As a result communication is lost and deep inside us, we miss the person but refuse to make the first move to break the ice. The fact is the longer the break, the thicker the ice will become until such time as something happens then you realise that it was too late. Another fact is life is too short, no matter what has happened, right or wrong when the moment comes that you feel you are missing that person, just pick up the phone to call them direct. There is no better way to reach them than a phone call. This is more powerful than any other communication method to reach out. Of course, this is also the case when you are conducting business. When you feel that you are lacking contact with a customer, pick up the phone to break the ice.
Wanna meet up? ………….. Invite
There are many out there running around in circles, thinking and planning what to do, what they want when they meet up with someone. What they should say? When they should say it? How to say it? The trouble is the more you keep thinking about it, the more the fear will generate to prevent you to action. All you need is to decide if you really want to meet up with that person? If so, just simply ‘Invite’ by calling them with a very short script to explain why you want to meet up with them. Give them two alternative dates, at two alternative times. You will find that in most cases they will just pick one of those dates and times to meet you.
Wanna be understood? ……….. Explain
It happens to all of us feeling why do people not understand what we are saying? They either keep asking you the same question you have already answered, or they don’t do whatever you asked them to do. In most cases, we get frustrated and in fact in some cases we get upset and angry ourselves, and keep asking ourself why the hell didn’t they understand what we said? The fact is for whatever the reason, people don’t understand what you say and ask you about it, or they are not doing what you said and then ended up doing it wrong. This means you have communication issues and the only way to resolve this is to ‘Explain’ in more detail and be patient. If you don’t explain, they will never understand and it will never help you anyway.
Have a question? ………… Ask
This is one of the very common problems especially in UK. We seem to dislike the idea of letting people know that we don’t understand something. We feel that it might upset the person if we ask, or look stupid asking a question or feel embarrassed. The fact is there is no such thing as a stupid question; it is only stupid when you don’t understand and then don’t ask! I have experienced god knows how many times after meeting presentations, I can see the sea of eyes staring at me and I know that there is no way they could have understood the whole presentation 100%. But when I ask if there are any questions, hardly anyone dares to ask. If any of your questions are not answered, you will never understand then nothing is going to happen if you don’t simply ‘Ask’.
Don’t like something? ……….. Say it
A classic example in a restaurant when your food is served, you tried it and found something you are not happy about. Most will moan or complain with your partner at the table, but funny enough when the waiting staff came by and asking if everything is OK, the answer will mostly be ‘It’s fine or it’s OK’! When we come across someone talking to you about some thing you don’t like, most will keep it to themselves, get upset and brew over it. The trouble is if you come across something you don’t like to see or to hear, if you say nothing it can generate from a small issue into a big problem at a later date. Therefore, if and when you don’t like something, the only solution to deal with it is by ‘Saying It’. You will find that when you deal with problem in small chunks, most can be resolved very easily and quickly too.
Like something? …………. State it
Quite often I ask do we say enough when we like something we see or we have received? I am guilty of this and have to remind myself from time to time to correct myself in this area. My partner tells me off from time to time saying that I don’t express myself enough when I like something. Mostly about her new dress, shoes or appearance or what she does for me, because of my complacency and I take it for granted that she knows I do appreciate her. We all need to ensure we express ourselves when we like something, we need to get into a habit to ‘State it’ before we get ourselves into trouble.
Love someone? ………… Tell it
This is a very important to tell the person you love, that you do love them. These very simple words ‘I love you’ can go a long way, and in fact can solve a lot of problems in a relationship. However, for some people, somehow it can be a huge task for them. Either they are too proud to say it, too embarrassed or some people feel they are showing weakness by saying it. The trouble is no matter what we do, actions need to marry up with words to avoid misunderstandings. Some feel that they have said it before, so there is no need to say it again. This is not the case when you love someone, and continue to love that person, you need to continue to say it and reiterate your feelings by telling the person you love them. By telling the person you love them is to give reassurance in both the relationship and the bond. Never take it for granted that you have share your life with your partner for a long time, so you don’t need to keep telling your partner that you love them.
To end this I would like to address this quote by Sarah Hopes – Petitebitesoflife and hope this will help to simplify our thoughts and not make our lives too complicated.
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