Trial and Error

This seems to be a very simple sentence and everyone should understand the meaning of this. However, understanding the meaning is one thing and acting on it is another matter. Therefore I would like to ask if any of you are thinking the following:
I will start as soon as I have learnt.
I will start as soon as I am satisfied that I know it.
I just want everything to be right before I launch.
It will be difficult for me to start until I learn everything first.
It is not perfect yet.
I am concerned what happens if I do it wrong.
No way, I haven't learn enough yet.
I can't do it because I don't have enough experience.
I need to get more experience and qualifications.
There's too much to learn and it is very time consuming.
I need to make more adjustments before I start.
These are only a few excuses and there are many similar situations like the above that prevent you from getting things started. This is mainly because your fear of the 'Error'.
In this case you really don't understand the true meaning of the 'Trial and Error' saying. Have you ever heard of 'Error and Trial' ? If you don't ever 'Trial' how can you ever learn your 'Error'? The fear of 'Error' is stopping your action and 'Trial' therefore you can never put your plan forward to be successful from your actions. I am not here to ask you to do anything totally blind or without any basic knowledge. All I am saying is there is no perfect plan, there is no such a thing as you have learnt everything, there is no such a thing as you know it all and are ready. Whatever we do in life, it is never perfect timing or we have learnt everything. We always progress our plan or whatever we are doing one step at a time and continue to learn from 'Trial and Error' along the way. Therefore please don't get bogged down with the fear of 'Error' and stop 'Trying'. The saddest thing in life is not because you have failed after trying. It is when you keep asking yourself that what would have happened if you didn’t try ? Once you have formulated a plan, an idea, a goal which consists of the following:
Will I like to do this?
Can I see the success?
Can I afford it?
Will I have time to do it?
Is there anyone here to support and advise me along the way?
Have I set my goal and basic plan?
If all the above answers are 'Yes', then just do it and the more you 'Trial' and experience more 'Error', the closer to achieving your success you become. I am open to discussion with anyone to exchange ideas and knowledge in this area. It would be great to hear from you and thank you for reading this. Take action now!
Cary Lam
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