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A Healthy body leads to a positive mindset which equals ‘Success’

Healthy body leads to a positive mindset, which equals ‘Success’

We have always believed that to achieve success, we need to have a positive mindset and take massive action. However, without a healthy body, it can seriously hold you back especially when you gain weight, which you are unable to shift. Therefore, weight loss can be a big issue and is a major hurdle, which prevents us from achieving success.

Can you imagine the psychological factors within ourselves if we don’t have the feel good factor in our body? Ask yourself if you have ever experienced any of these feelings:

‘It’s hopeless! I’m doing everything and the weight still won’t come off’. ‘I’m never going to look as good as I did before’. ‘Going out? I don’t want to go out! I really don’t feel like doing anything’. ‘Buying new clothes? What’s the point, nothing ever fits!’

Can you see the frustration because that’s how you felt when you were trying everything and nothing was working? Others might tell you to do more exercise, which can strengthen your muscle but if the fat is not burning off, it will make you put more weight on. Of course, lean muscle will increase your metabolism, which in turn can burn off more fat. However, if you are having an unbalanced or unhealthy diet, it is definitely sabotaging your weight loss goal. Because of this, I would like you to focus on what type of food you should do all you can to avoid. Big corporate giants have told you the food they are offering you are ‘Healthy’, but actually this food can increase your weight and can cause more serious health problems for you.

When you understand you need to stay away these kinds of foods, the extra inches around your belly and excess weight will fall off naturally.

You might think that we are living in the so called ‘information age’, in fact I do believe that we are living in the ‘misinformation age’. There is lots of misleading information floating around regarding losing weight and being healthy.

There are lots of ideas and information about eating healthy and weight loss. Products like diet pills, counting calories, the latest trends are the prepared meals. Let alone none of it works, in fact most of the time you were starving yourself and wind yourself up with hunger. I have experienced all this myself and have seen many of my friends doing the same. Most in fact are ready to throw in the towel and accept their fate of never being thin.

Since I carried out a lot of research and discussed with professionals in the nutritional field, I discovered some key factors that keep the fat on. There are certain foods that we’ve consistently been told are healthy for us but in fact they are not. They are the stumbling blocks in us to getting rid of fat.

Certain foods can cause our hormonal imbalances and keep the fat on no matter how we exercise or diet. They are the ‘GM Food’ – especially the most popular foods are part of the basic ingredients for many meals and they are ‘Processed Soy, and GM Corn’. Products like soymilk, tofu and soy protein are just a few of the products that companies consistently sell to us as being healthy alternatives. But it’s not all true! There is much research and study out there that shows that unnatural or processed soy has a direct connection to infertility and reproductive problems, as well as being linked to an increase in allergies. During the soybeans process, many of the vital nutrients and minerals are stripped out and as much as 90% of the phytonutrient content is lost during this process. Phytonutrients are the disease fighting medicines found in foods. When your body doesn’t get the nutrients from the food you eat, it throws your hormones out of balance. One of the hormones is Grehlin – The more Grehlin your body produces, the more your appetite and hunger craving increases. Therefore, when your body doesn’t get enough enzymes and nutrients from your food, Grehlin will turn on and cause you to think you are hungry even when you’re not. It can trigger overeating or even binge eating.

GM Corn can be found in many foods like breakfast cereals, corn flakes and even those honey-coated oat’s. These are just a few and there are many more in just the breakfast cereal category. Genetically modified foods are banned from many countries and the best way to think about this is ‘Genetically modified' foods may modify you, especially your weight. It is contributing to the obesity epidemic and also causing problem with vital organs.

Genetically Modified food can affect your hormones negatively or positively. In fact not only can it affect your losing weight plan, it can also cause harm to your health too.

Those foods can actually keep the fat on, causing you hormonal imbalances, increase cardiovascular disease, and make it almost impossible to lose weight as long as you keep eating them because they are labeled ‘healthy’!

If we can keep it very simple and educate ourselves that eating healthy is the key to weight loss. With the right carbs and proteins, together with regular workout, the fat will burn off naturally. You can achieve it without starving yourself or even doing exhausting exercises as long as you stop eating these GM foods, and others I am going to mention from below.

All concentrated fruit juices including orange, cranberry, apple juice can cause problems around the waistline. Because during the concentrating process, many companies remove the finer and other nutritious elements from the fruit, you are essentially left with sugar water. When your blood sugar is too high, it puts your body in fat storing mode. It tells your body to store anything you eat as fat. Blood sugar levels are directly related to Insulin levels, and they are your fat storing hormone. When blood sugar levels are raised, the hormonal imbalance with Insulin can cause weight gain. Over a prolonged period of time this can also lead to Diabetes

Another fat storing food that can also increase your weight, but far more seriously cause a risk to your health is ‘Margarine’! Like many oils in spreads, most contain ‘Trans Fat’, formed to prolong shelf life. ‘Trans Fat’ can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as weight gain. It case raises your bad cholesterol and also can wipe out your good cholesterol from your system. As a result let alone gaining weight, increased bad cholesterol can build up plaque in your arteries and do more harm than good.

I have talked to so many certified nutritionists, I advise people to adjust what they’re eating to more healthy alternatives, like butter instead of margarine. Butter has fat too right? But they it is saturated fat that your body can burn for fuel instead of building up plaque in your arteries like Trans Fats can do. When you start eating foods that don’t wreak havoc on your hormones, your arteries, or your blood sugar level, your body will immediately thank you as it sheds inches and melts the extra pounds away.

More fat storing food I would like to mention to you is ‘Whole Wheat Bread’, and it is not just Whole Wheat Bread, it’s other breads, pastas and other so called ‘Comfort Foods’ that all add up to making it very hard to get lean and healthy.

Comfort foods are usually those ‘high carb’ meals we all love like ‘Pie, Cakes, Pasta and Pizza’. All high carb comfort foods can make you fat for sure. However, if you can balance your diet and eat more nutrient dense food, combined with protein, mixed with a balanced level of high carb and low carb from greens, fruits and vegetables, your body doesn’t raise your blood sugar levels and put your body in fat storing mode. Then you don’t have to give up the high carb and comfort food completely.

Although exercise can help you to get rid of belly fat, you can’t exercise your way out of poor nutrition. No amount of exercise will help you, if you’re not eating nutrient dense food that your body needs to metabolize. Eating the right ratios of low & high carbs and proteins, cause your body to burn fat rather than store it.

Since I have carried out more research and gather information from nutritionists, I found that most diets restrict what we could eat. In fact it turns out those diets have us not eating enough. After a long time, our body blood sugar level drops and our body is convinced it’s starving. When your blood sugar level drops, it puts you right back to fat storing mode. But by snacking in between meals throughout the day, you can keep your blood sugar levels balanced, and keep your body in the fat burning zone all day long.

Now you have it and I hope that there is sufficient information here for you to work on your healthy and balanced eating. Your meals just have to be balanced with the right amount of protein, balanced between low & high carbs. Avoiding all those foods are doing our bodies more harm than good. Above all, regular exercise will develop lean muscle for you and generate higher metabolism to help you to burn off fat faster.

When the fat melts away from your healthier body, your positive mindset will lead you to achieve your success whatever you do. Most importantly we can live longer with good health too.

On the last note, you need to ensure that you have a high level of antioxidants to combat the 'Free Radicals' which are the bad guys to damage our body cells daily. Antioxidants are from fruits and vegetables especially from the deep colour ones. The are the good guys and the more of them inside us will help us to slow down our body decade and ageing. You also need to measure your level of Antioxidants on a regular basis due to the fact that our lifestyle can affect it's high and low level inside our body. Depends if we exposed ourselves in some polluted areas, extreme sunlight, smoke, alcohol, over exercises and STRESS which all will counter act the Antioxidants inside us.

I do have an unique system to measure the level of Antioxidants in just 30 seconds non-evasively. I measured myself every 8-10 weeks so that I know if I am in a tip top condition or I need to work harder and do better on my eating habits and lifestyle. Is kind of early warning system so that at least I have some kind of ideas that my immune system is healthy or not. I would welcome the opportunity to be able to discuss with any of you in more details. Do feel free to contact me.

Cary Lam

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