Things that make you a FAILURE in Network Marketing

Things that make you a FAILURE in Network Marketing:
Our success or failure comes from what has happened in the past and leaves us clues as to what, why and how.
During my years in sales & marketing and being involved in the network marketing business, I noticed from the times when I was unsuccessful, I learnt valuable lessons from others who helped me to become a successful network marketeer. Here is what I found......
1) Lack of belief in the opportunity
Guys, the opportunity can be your 1st class ticket to freedom and fulfilment. I have seen so many people get side tracked by short term projects for their short term gain. Many see that it is too good to be true and unrealistic. Why do we have to be realistic when we are seeking an opportunity for our future ? All successful inventions and success stories come from people who did things others thought were unrealistic. Many walk away from opportunity because they listen to those who don't understand about the opportunity or they can't do it, or they don’t have the belief in themselves.
How many people out there are still doing the same job or business that they really wanted to leave over 12 months ago, but because of all the distractions and lack of belief; they still remain in the same place and will do for many years to come. The fact is if only they had committed more and believed that the opportunity they came across was going to be the vehicle to change their life!
2) Over complicating things
Because of the lack of belief, people tend to plan or over complicate things rather than just follow a simple and easy success formula. The fact is over complicated things always take a longer time to plan, learn, practice, then teach. Above all, it will be more complicated for anyone to duplicate. A simple and easy success formula or system which is already tried and tested by all successful achievers is easy to teach and duplicate a lot quicker. Most importantly if the wheel is not broken, why waste time to try to fix it?
3) Not having a story
In reality, most people buy products from you or join your network not because of the products they are buying or the network they are joining. They are following you and your story regarding the products you are using and the network opportunity you are involved in. Therefore, your story is more important than anything else. Your product and your business must be a story and it must come from you and you alone. Whether it is a 1 minute short or a long story, it must come with passion, excitement and conviction. Usually it covers 4 main areas – Where you were, what you didn't like about it, what you have found and how you see your future with the products or the business opportunity. If you have a good story, people will listen and will follow you for sure.
4) Not using the product
To sell products successfully, we have to be the product of the product. Like you are going to wine tasting events without actually tasting the wine, how do you know what they taste like? If so how can you express to others which wine they should have ? We aren’t in the business of lying and hoodwinking people. So how can you talk about the products with passion if you never use it! People can tell the difference when you explain to them about the products, if you are using them or not. Any main line products you are interested in and feel that you have a market for, then you must prepare to use it yourself first.
5) Not having a mentor who walks their talk
In all my speeches on mentoring, I always say the same, that ‘Success comes not from the products you are selling, the job you are doing, or the business you own. It’s the right mentor you work with’. In the network marketing business, it is almost impossible to do it on your own. You need someone who has done it already and walks their talk. Your mentor is not here to manage your business, you need a mentor to help you get over hurdles you come across, and to pick you up when you fall. Your success journey from start to finish is never a straight road, it’s always a windy road with lots of potholes along the way. There are going to be times when you need someone to lean on or need someone to encourage you to pick yourself up and get going again after you fall. Having a good mentor who walks their talk is vital to success. If you want your success so badly, get a mentor, raise your standard and be coachable.
When you avoid all the above and are doing it in the right way, no matter which network you are marketing, you will stand a good chance to achieve your success. Products are down to your personal choice, and your circle of potential customers. There is no such thing as a bad product with bad pricing. Every product must have their unique customers as long as the manufacturer continues to make them. But it is always down to us as a professional network marketeer to seek such customers who will find the products that are needed and are useful for them.
I am open to talk to anyone about the business opportunity, exchange ideas and knowledge. I hope that you will find this useful.
Cary Lam
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