
Jan 30
Seeking financial advice, medical consultations, or even creative decision-making, we often place our trust in the hands of so-called expert

Jan 26
Dopamine and Oxytocin
The brain contains many chemicals, including neurotransmitters and hormones, that affect mood, memory, and other functions.

Jan 6
Goals vs Growth which comes first?
The relationship between goal and growth is intertwined, and which one comes first often depends on the context. Here’s a breakdown:...

Jan 4
Making eyes contact with people when you are outside
Making eye contact , smiling, and saying “good morning” is a simple but powerful gesture that can profoundly impact both the person...

Jan 19, 2024
How to slow down when you speak?
HOW TO STOP SPEAKING TOO FAST? People may speak quickly for a variety of reasons, encompassing emotional, cultural, and situational...

Jan 16, 2020
Habits Of Highly Successful People
THEY MAKE LISTS Productive people don’t make lists and turn away, rather they make lists of little action steps that will improve their...

Nov 24, 2019
Perfectionism and Procrastination
Perfectionism is a bad habit! Have you ever heard of the phrase “Perfectionism lead to Procrastination lead to Paralysis”? Most people...

Sep 2, 2019
If we give up so easily, why we set goal the first place?
We are born with kind of mindset to get thing done as easy as possible. Also we want to finish it quickly. This is just a human nature to...

May 31, 2019
Everything Is Energy And We Control It With The Power Of Our Thoughts
The Nobel Prize awardees in physics, beyond doubt, proved that the physical world is one big ocean of energy that materializes and...

Apr 4, 2018
The 48 Laws of Power
The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene and Joost Elffers Law 1 Never Outshine the Master Always make those above you feel comfortably...

Jul 29, 2017
Things I find it hard to understand? Or just me?
Things I find it hard to understand? Or might be just me! What people do…….. • They want to earn more money, but they find efforts are...

Jul 28, 2017
Time exchange with money
‘What you need to do to create your success’? Don’t tell me you are not looking for success? Or you are not looking for financial freedom...

Apr 25, 2017
I hope you realize, when you have mates, buddies and old friends, brothers and sisters, who you chat with, laugh with, talk with, have sung

Apr 18, 2017
If we give up so easily, why do we set goals in the first place?
Never give up on something you really want. It's difficult to wait but it's more difficult to regret

Apr 26, 2016
YES You can do it!
If I can take it, I can make it.